What is EPM?
Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) software helps organization to improve business performance through analysis, understanding and reporting.
EPM involves:
- Performance Analysis
- Modeling
- Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting
- Consolidation and Close
- Reporting
EPM software is designed to facilitate the understanding of data and make the appropriate business decisions.
EPM Financial Consolidation
- Optimization of financial consolidation process.
- Transparency and auditability of consolidated financial results.
- Comply with statutory compliance and regulatory and reporting requirements
- Multiple currencies
- Intercompany transactions
EPM Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting
- Improving planning cycle times and reliability of forecasts.
- Integrating different strategic plans inside an organization (IBP)
- Budget planning.
- Projections and Forecasting.
- “What If” Analysis.
- Bottom-up and Top-Down allocations
- Multicurrency and exchange rates simulations
Reporting & Analysis
- Generating book-quality management and financial reports.
- Minimizing the time and cost of generating financial and management reports.
- Improving results through accuracy and collaboration.
- Ad hoc analysis to respond to specific requests and a variety of business questions.
- Dashboarding and visual analysis